By U2Godess
AN: another one of the Bono/Ali drama stories that I like to write…oh how a rock star can cry…and how a rock star can love

Bono woke up…he was on a plane back to Dublin from the last Elevation tour date…off to be with his wife and kids…
I wonder…if that was our last tour…if so then that’s ok…or…oh I don’t know what I’m thinking…keep busy…
he thought as he pulled a book out of his carry on and started reading…
Oh…I remember Ali reading this book…she said it was a romance…but she likes those books…not me…
he thought as he started reading it anyways….
Bono had finished the book but was fast asleep…when the plane had touched down at the airport. He looked out the window and he saw what he expected—his wife and kids waiting for him with loving smiles, oh to see those smiles and the jumpy children…even the baby was giggly to see daddy home…
Oh how they have missed me…it would break my heart if they didn’t…but of course…they are my children…
he thought as he walked towards the plane exit…then he exited the plane. Oh how joyful he was as he ran to his wife, picked her up…almost like he was gonna throw her up in the air…but only to bring her back down…you could tell how much he missed her from the warm look of relief on his face…the relief that he was home and not on tour….not away from this…and the loving joyful look that Ali had on her face…he kissed each of his children and they all jumped for joy because their dad is home…and then he grabbed his wife and kissed her softly…a kiss he had waited 8 long months to give her…for he never really saw her on tour that often…in fact, not at all really since she had their newest child. It was such a storybook family, beautiful, as the family walked hand in hand to the car…all piling neatly in the car, and driving home quietly…
The family all walked in the house…each child to each room…and the baby to the crib…and the couple to the living room. Ali sat on the couch as she turned on the TV…and Bono sat in an armchair…waiting to see what she would change it to…
"Baby…do you know if there is anything good on tonight?" asked Ali
"You know love…I don’t really know…all I see is Behind the Music all on VH1…and The Real World on MTV…." Bono replied
"Fine I’ll watch The Real World…seems interesting enough.." Ali said as she changed the channel on the TV
I don’t  really like MTV’s reality shows…but I do like Survivor and Big Brother…those shows have more controversy Bono thought…he wanted to change it but he was too tired and anyways…Ali was watching the TV, so it was best not to bother her…and so he fell asleep in the chair….
….and he had a dream….dream or nightmare…they are both dreams…


Bono found himself sitting in a chair…strapped in it…and across the way he saw two rooms
"Hello Mr. Bono..welcome to WIN—THAT—PRIZE!!" said the host, as lights came on, revealing a crowd of U2 fans and a game show setting
"Uh oh.." said Bono
"Now…you can win two prizes…they will not be revealed to you…until you go through the tests, all the choices you make now will affect which prize you get.." said the host
"Ok…I’m ready" said Bono…as the host released the straps on the chair

"First…is a choose and lose game" said the host. "You can choose between a plane or a car…which is it?" asked the host
"Ill choose…the car" said Bono
"Great…now for the next test" said the host as he took out some food.."The food style test" said the host, "You will not know what food you are eating but you will try both foods and then you will tell which one you like best" said the host
"Ok.." said Bono as he ate from one box and then ate from the next
"And your choice is?" asked the host
"Number 2…" said Bono
"Great again…you are leading down the path to your prize…but remember…a drastic choice can change the prize outcome" said the host
"Ok…bring it on" said Bono

"The final test…" said the host, "Which item of these two do you like…the t-shirt…or the jacket?" said the host

"T-shirt…comfortable for anytime" said Bono with satisfaction

"Well seems your tests all lead to one path…ill tell you what the prizes were…" said the host…opening the first door…
"Here is..YOUR BAND!" 
"And here is…YOUR WIFE!"
"And what did I win?" asked Bono anxiously
"YOUR WIFE!" he said as Ali ran to him from the door…just as she was running…Bono woke up

"Hey sleepy baby…wake up." said Ali as Bono woke up from his dream, "What time is it?" asked Bono
"Its 8:00 in the morning…have a dream?" she said
"Oh yes,yes…it was a cute dream…reminding me that you are the most important possession to me in the world" he said as he had Ali in his arms…and he stroked her face
"Oh you are more important to me than the band and once that’s over I’ll have you…and the family…" he said as he softly kissed her…
"Sometimes I wonder if…" and Ali stopped him…"Don’t wonder, babe…you do that too much…just relax" Ali said as she pulled him into a soft and long kiss. Then Bono pulled Ali onto the couch as they laid there…in an embrace…kissing……the kids at school…what a wonderful life.

AN: I sometimes wonder…as a U2 fan…if the couple will ever get time alone…well they do…and after the bands main work is over…it will end sometime…the couple will rest…maybe even as peacefully as this story.